Friday, April 22, 2011


So, I am in Bangkok at the moment waiting for my flight to Mumbai. I am going to change the way I have been handling this blog. So far, I have only been posting pictures and not much writing. I have been having trouble focusing, creating coherent words from my visually, and emotionally diverse surroundings. As still frames from my own line of sight I hope that they impart as a whole group, a veiled expression of the things that I have not been able to truly articulate through words.
As a challenge to simplify my focus, I have sent my computer back home and then serendipidously had my ipod stolen the on the same day. so here I am purged from the digital realm copying notes from my notebook which I now carry with me everywhere.
Tonight I am going to the Lang Krasuang night market which is just under a kilometer from where I am staying. The market is more of a shanty town along the river that extends itself onto the street at night where people sell anything that they think is worth selling. The other day I walked through during the day and there were only a few people selling amulets and used tools. To sooth the issue of having my digital music collection go missing I bought a used tape recorder for only about a dollar, and so this evening I am on the hunt for old cassettes. the other day I got an old collection of 90's MTV dance hits, its been pretty good listening except it is hard to get into the dancing mood because of the oppressive heat, which does not only radiate from the sky.

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